
Sri Swami Satchidananda 沙吉難陀巨匠 Many people fear that discipline means a lack of freedom, a repressed or joyles血咒之城 老虎機s life. Without discipline oveslot 中文r our mind, where is the joy? With that control, you can enjoy anything you want. Nothing is dangerous to you then. 很多人憂慮自律象徵著缺少自由、壓制的或者煩懣樂的生涯。若是不約束咱們的心靈,哪里有快活呢?有了這類約束,你可以享用任何你想要的器材。那么,對你來說,所有都是寧靜的。 If you can keep control over the mind, wherever you are will be a heaven. If you do not have that control, even if you are in heaven, it will be a hell for you. 若是你能節制本人的心靈,那么無論你身在何處都將是天國。若是你不克不及節制,那么縱然你在天國,對你來說也將是地獄。 The greatestbubble 2 老虎機 victory that you can win is the victory over your own mind. 你能獲得的最大成功,便是克服本人的心靈。 Discipline makes your mind stronger and one-pointed. It should, ultimately, help you to make your mind your servant rather than your being its slave. 自律使你的心靈更強盛,更專注。終極,它應當輔助你成為本人心靈的客人,而不是成為它的奴隸。 Don’t be controlled by anything. Exercise your mastery. That is the aim of Yoga. 不要被任何器材所節制,而要磨煉你的節制力。這便是瑜伽的目的。 Don’t ever forget that any achievement in life is based on discipline. 永久都不要忘掉這一點,人生的任何造詣都是確立在自律的根基之上的。 It is through your discipline and meditation that you are being cleared and opened up to receive the true essence within. 恰是經由過程你的自律以及冥想,你失去了凈化并洞開心扉來接收內涵的真實實質。 Keep the mind clean, the body clean, the life well disciplined, the heart dedicated. This is Yoga老虎遊戲. 堅持心靈貞潔,身材潔凈,生涯控制,心田專注。這便是瑜伽。 Speak less and only speak about what is to be spoken of. Control of the tongue is very important. The tongue does two things: tasting and talking. Have limitations in bo老虎機 cssth. 少語言,只說該說的。節制好舌頭特別很是緊張。舌頭有兩項事情:品嘗以及語言。這兩方面都要有所限定。 You will enjoy the world when you know how to handle it well, when you become master of it. 當你理解若何善待這個世界,當你成為這個世界的客人,你就會享用這個世界。 A yogi is like a surfer who knows how to balance on his or her surfboard. The surfer welcomes even a big rolling wave, because he or she knows how to enjoy it without getting caught in it. 瑜伽士就像沖浪者,他/她理解若何在本人的沖浪板上堅持均衡。沖浪者甚至期待滔滔巨浪,由於他/她理解若何享用沖浪而不被卷入個中。 There should be tranquility in everything, limitation in everything. Then, you will see that your life is completely transformed. 凡事都應當堅持僻靜,凡事都應當堅持限定。然后,你會發明你的生涯失去了齊全地改變。 當你決定最先瑜珈 就不要拋卻 保持自律的實習 瑜珈之路處處都是驚喜!

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